How to Use the Groups Dashboard

You have created a Group – log into your account and click on the profile icon in the top menu (upper right corner) and select your “Instructor Dashboard.”

NOTE: Did you enroll in the course/quiz at the time of purchase? If so, you will have access to your course under “My Courses” and your available registrations in your Group will be one less than the purchased amount.

As the Group Leader, your Instructor Dashboard lists the Groups you have created and displays the status of user registrations. Select the group(s) you want to view/manage, then use the following tabs/buttons to manage your registrations and view learner progress.

  • The Enrolled Users Tab: This tab will essentially show the Group Leader all the Users enrolled in the particular Group and will also allow him/her to search for enrolled users and also remove or send invites to the enrolled users.
  • The Enroll New User Tab: The Enroll New User tab allows the Group Leader to enroll new users into the group individually or in a bulk-upload by using a CSV file. This allows the Group Leader to enter the first name, last name, license number and the email address of the enrollees. CSV upload is toggled from the Upload Users tab within the Enroll New User Tab.
  • The Report Tab: This tab allows you to view student reports. Select which Course you want to view the student reports for using the drop-down menu within the Report Tab. A list of students with their reports will appear.
  • The Group Code Tab (only appears if Group Codes option is available): This tab allows Group Leaders to create and share Group Codes for that specific group. Sharing this code will allow users to self-register using the Group Registration form. This is helpful should the group leader not know all of the information required for a specific user.
    Once the Group Leader clicks on the Create Group Code Button, more settings will appear.
    The first one is the name of the Group Code, where you can manually enter it or Generate a new one.
    The From & To is to define how long will the Group Code will be valid for. (You can always make another one should that code expire)
    The Validation Rules setting is to define which IP Address and Domain name you want to restrict the user registration to. (Helpful for internal organizations)
    The Status Setting is just to activate/deactivate the Group Code at any time.
  • Note: If the User Registrations Left: is zero, the Group Leaders will not see the Enroll New User Tab. In this case the Group Leader can just purchase more seats of the same Product and the seats will automatically be added to their Group. Or, the admin can edit the Group. Removing a learner who has NOT started the course will increase the available Registrations remaining.

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